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Writer's pictureRobin Bacon

5 Things I Learned While Launching My Blog - Foraging and Farming

"Don't focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that's great for your readers." - Brian Clark

Launching a blog

Building anything from the ground up takes courage and bravery. The older I get, the more aware I am of time being the most valuable commodity. We are given an unknown amount while on this earth, and what we do with it is within our control.

Being vulnerable enough to build a blog, learn new technologies, revisit writing techniques, and learn a whole new language in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes a wholesale adoption of - “alright baby, here I go!” 

Being Brave When Launching A Blog

Having the courage to invest in a passion project where I cannot control the outcome and be willing to receive negative and positive feedback from a world where people can be fickle, loving,  and hateful. Be aware that some stop their lives to take the time to correct you on how things should read or be, and they will not hesitate to shame you.  This experience taught me that bravery begins with putting myself out there and remembering I have no control over what people say about me or my writing. 

In the first year of taking my work from an industry lean to a fun and lighthearted approach; I knew there would be a learning curve when launching a food blog. Building a blog began with writing articles, tying them to my childhood growing up with family wrapped around me, living and working at our family farm. Even at the most dysfunctional times, it brought out the best and worst in us, and I decided to use it as material regardless. It’s about the LOVE, so I began writing and publishing content about food, farming, and cooking. 

LaunchinLaunching a blog g a blog

Make Sure You Have Fun

I focused on finding joy when immersing myself in a blog project, feeling intimidated by the idea that the first few articles might be written on a Google or Word document without photos. If you are lucky, you will dig up some images that remind you of the subject and the people involved in that moment you are recollecting for your readers. Showing up to my blog with a clear perspective and happiness is critical to its success. Find joy in reading other people's blogs in the same vertical and acknowledging their story - it begins with your joy and happiness. 

Launching a blog


Be Relevant When Writing a Blog Post

Writing about something relevant that is special in my heart is vital to growth. Whether it is making Ramen noodles, adding your kitchen sink into a bowl, or the first time you planted seeds to share in the learning experience of producing pumpkins for your family garden, it is essential to research what other writers share about their food or back road travels to discover a new Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group.  

If you have the means, invest in a website host that has all the bells and whistles when it comes to memory, automated emails, images, storage, and a good CRM.  Building a contact list off the backbone of your products and services early helps when thinking through your framework.  Sign up for Google AdSense, complete the background check, and become a 1099 contractor when building your platform. A slow stacking over time - of systems and Social Media solutions will help you make a solid program for all to enjoy. 

Launching a blog

Ask For The Journalistic Interview 

Put yourself out there! Don’t be afraid to call or email. I ask people to interview, and it creates meaningful relationships and connections and generates ongoing group discussions. I contact old friends and colleagues, and they all say yes! 

Before I knew it, I had over 250 blog posts, Canva designs, Pinterest info-graphics, YouTube videos, Shorts, and X.  Take time building the Socials because interlocking your blog with each platform well - takes a lot of time. 

Launching a blog

Subscribe To Canva Visual Suite

I subscribed to Canva Visual Suite and experimented with creation, using my own or stock photos to design an appealing aesthetic for my viewers and readers. When building up stock photos, I like making videos and info-graphics that share information about my research or a trending food topic. I keep learning that blogging is relevant and essential to building on readership through visual capital solutions. Create videos about the blog post, publish a Short on your YouTube account, or make an online magazine using Zene. 

Launching a blog

Lessons Learned Early

As we wrap up, the best advice experts gave me was not to focus on money initially because you will get discouraged and disillusioned. Instead, I build my content and email list organically, offering me more time to test what works and doesn’t for my media platform.

I am excited for year two of writing passionately about food and farming, I focus on building consistent content, my email list, and gaining interested subscribers who like what I do and say!  Best of luck on your journey! 

Launching a blog

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